All-in-One Custom Background allows you to define multiple backgrounds as background group. A background group can be used as default site or site context background and for background of specific page. You can choose between different video, image or color types for every background. Besides that backgrounds can be restricted to users, user roles or devices separately.
Version 3.1
It is possible to link background images now
Version 3.0 – Upgrade notes
In version 3.0 we removed the usage of Vafpress in favour of FavPress. So please deactivate and remove Vafpress before updating to 3.0.
Main Features
- Single or Multiple backgrounds
- Major Background Types are included
- Add Fullscreen Background or use CSS electors to define the backgrounds scope (default is fullscreen background)
- Define Global Backgrounds in reusable groups
- Define Backgrounds for Site Contexts (404, search page…)
- Define one default background for site
- Responsive and Mobile Friendly (Note: video types are restricted to non mobile devices)
- Configure Post Types where background can be configured
- Restrict backgrounds for
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Installation and Updating/ Requirements
See our installation and updating documentation.
Please note: To be able to use this plugin, you need to install an additional plugin called “FavPress”. You should be prompted for this after plugin activation.
Single or Multiple Backgrounds
You can add an arbitrary number of backgrounds for each page. Each background can be bound to different elements on the site using CSS selectors. Find out more about selectors.
Comprehensive Video Support
Use your own videos using WordPress’ media library or pimp your theme background with a Vomeo or Youtube video.
- Customizable settings of video types
- HTML5 with Flash-Fallback
- Create custom Youtube Playlist from Youtube Videos
Image and Image Gallery
Use images from WordPress’ media gallery, custom url or directly upload one.
Color and Gradient
Use the editor to easily select a single color or a gradient with two colors and different orientations.
Global Backgrounds and Default Background
Define global backgrounds with background groups. Choose between global, group, custom or none background for page, post or custom post type. Select one background group under “Global Backgrounds” as default background for your site or define specific background group for site contexts e.g. front page, category or 404.
Usable for Fullscreen or Element Backgrounds
Through selectors you are able to define backgrounds for specific elements only.
Note: Video Background Types are only usable as fullscreen background.
Responsive and Mobile Friendly
- Videos won’t be shown on mobile devices
- Use device restriction for different backgrounds on different devicies, for instance use smaller or none background image on mobile devices.
Restriction of Backgrounds
- Restricted to mobile or not mobile devices,
- Restrict backgrounds by user roles or specific user,
- Restrict background by weekday,
- Restrict background by start and end date
For Developers
- Buy an extended license to embed this plugin into your Themeforest theme
- Contact us, if you want to use this add-on in another product outside Envato
Installation and Updating
Please refer to our external documentation.
Version 3.1.2 (20 February 2018)
- Fixed: Images where not working
- Updated YouTube player
- Updated Vimeo player
Version 3.1.1 (02 February 2018)
- Fixed: Images can’t be clicked, when “custom” mode was used
Version 3.1 (10 November 2017)
- New Feature: Link background images and image galleries
- Added video preview in configuration
- Updated or replaced libraries with newer/better ones
Version 3.0 (10 July 2017)
- New Feature: Restrict by weekday (Monday, Tuesday…)
- New Feature: Restrict by start and end date)
- Updated used libs for YouTube, Vimeo … to latest versions
- Used FavPress instead of VafPress
- Improved internal build process (everything is simpler now)
Version 2.4 (10 February 2016)
- Extend options page with configuration of post types
- Updated libraries for visualisation of image, image galleries and all video types
- Updated TGM to latest version
Version 2.3.2 (30 July 2015)
- Fixed a typo (yes) bug, which avoided loading TGM correctly
Version 2.3.1 (11 July 2015)
- Improved theme compatibility even more
Version 2.3 (01 July 2015)
- Fixed a bug, where only 5 background groups where shown for group selection
- Improved WPML/ localization support
- Updated ytPlayer (for YouTube)
Version 2.2 (11 May 2015)
- Added option to assign background groups to specific site contexts
- Improved “Custom” mode of background type “Image”
- Added configuration for size
- Extended configuration of position
- Improved wording for better understanding
- Bugfix background type “Video”
- (Again) Improved theme compatibility
Version 2.1 (23 April 2015)
- Updated TGM to latest version
- Set RGBA for colors to support opacity
- Improved compatibility with other themes/plugins
Version 2.0.1 (11 March 2015)
- Small bugfix to prevent errors on activation
- Added direct links to configuration in plugin overview (at the left)
Version 2.0 (15 February 2015)
- Define global background groups, which can be reused on pages
- or used as a default background for the whole page
- Support for arbitrary custom post types
- Updated used libraries
- A rename for hopefully better visibility
- Removed Vafpress from the core -> NOTE: You have to install this separatly now, but you should be prompted for this.
Version 1.1.1 (14 December 2014)
- Bugfix Gradient
- Bugfix Vimeo Video
- Improve loading of resources
Version 1.1 (16 November 2014)
- new Background Video Types Vimeo and Self-hosted/Native Video
- new options for Background Type Image
- Renaming Plugin
Version 1.0 (15 October 2014)
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