Calculating area is a key to everyday life. Area Calculator is a fully featured calculator which provides calculation of the Area. Calculate various properties of Area related values using this simple utility tool.
This Area Calculator will help to calculate area of the geometric shapes such as a Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Sector, Ellipse,Parallelogram etc.
- A very clean and user friendly UI
- User Experience has been kept simple to avoid user from getting confused.
- Calculation with Foot, Yard, Inch, Meters, Mile, Kilometer, Centimeter & Hectares
- Results are interpreted in a clean manner with the use of colours and also are prominent
- Sharing, App Rating
- AdMob & Interstitial Integrated
- Completely offline
- Social Word Sharing & App Sharing with Facebook & Twitter
- XCode
- Programming Language Objective C
- Well documented
- This product also available for android on codecanyon. Download APK now.
- We are available for product customisation.
- We are also available for freelancing product.
Contact Detail:
Email ID: express.template@gmail.com
Skype ID: express.template
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