WooReview allows you to automatically send emails to your customers of their recent purchase with you and offer a discount on future purchases if they leave a image review on the product they purchased. Gather and advertise reviews with images, an awesome approach to visual marketing! With...
DEMO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzhs1nh9f0inxot/AllDesiRadio1.apk?dl=0 Visit http://museradios.com to add your station on the website. Best Multiple Category Radio App This is a native android live streaming Multiple Category Radio App. It is a simple yet powerful solution for creating Android app...
WooCommerce Lucky Wheel offers your customers a chance to win coupon code by subscribing their email. WooCommerce Lucky Wheel helps you to collect your customer emails for marketing. FEATURES: – SPIN TO WIN: Subscribe to spin: Customer must type in their email to spin the wheel....
Have you ever find an easy way to transfer you iOS contacts to other platforms or backed up properly? This iOS contacts app will help you to manage, backup and restore your contacts in the easy way. Allows you to quickly make a call or send a message in a single swipe. It also allows you to create...
Woocommerce Product Builder is an essential plugin which helps build a full product set from small components as you want. Therefore, the powerful plugin will certainly bring your website a huge profit. With the friendly-for-users interface, Woocommerce Product Builder enables: Choose the...
Welcome to IonicBucket. We are cordially welcome you for choosing IonicBucket. This application template build in using world famous Ionic Framework. Connect with us This awesome multipurpose News app template designed with a strong sense of modern and new UI, UX concepts. The...
Full HD video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMphOfuuyEc Step by step video tutorial how to setup everything or do the reskin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJkR6yGw8e4 Everything you see you get Memorable Quotes is a fully functional and responsive android app using air ...
Power Productivity tool todo list. The powerful to-do and task list app easy to use. Using technologies: Angular Material Google Material icons Node js API Mongodb Features: Filter with Today and Tomorrow and Next 7 days task Search Responsive mobile friendly Show Completed and Uncompleted...
What Can You Do With This Plugin? Xlsxomatic Automatic Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) XLSX documents To WordPress post importer plugin that is ideal for auto blogging and automatic post publishing. It uses a built-in xlsx parsing engine to turn your website...
Turn your Woocommerce Wordpress Store into a money profit generator using Aliexpress Affiliation Program! Using our WooExpress Plugin you can bulk import hundred of products from Aliexpress into your Woocommerce Store in just a flash. Our newest version has an ultra fast import system, in...