Archive Page

Author Refund Policy

Hi, we're IMSCodes and welcome to the IMSCodes Market Refund Rules. These rules outline what is expected from you as an Author on IMSCodes Market. They provide a transparent approach to refunds, giving both you and your buyers a great platform experience and a "fair go". As the...

Author Terms

Welcome 1. Hi, we’re IMSCodes. We’ve met before over at IMSCodes Market Terms. It’s good to meet you again and we’re really glad you’re keen on becoming an author with us. 2. Imagine creating what you want, when you want, from the comfort of your own home, making passive income...


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Social App Like Instagram

The best world class fully functional social app like Instagram that will help to make your dream apps with support any platform Connect with us Welcome to Ionicbucket. We are cordially thanking you for choosing Ionicbucket. This Social App offers you all the features and functionalities...

Pack of 20 top selling games

Get 20 of my top selling games for a fraction of the price. All updated to Swift 4 and iOS 11. All work beautifully on iPhoneX. Below you can see the list of source codes you will receive: Amazing Thief Blueprint Anti Candy Crunch – The Match 4 Ballance the...

Voila Cabs (Uber Clone)

This is not a component nor a template . This app is a complete clone of UBER and a full fledgeTAXI Booking script designed with latest technologies and we openly challenge “That as on date this is the WORLDS BEST TAXI SCRIPT available so far in marketplace and is exclusively available only on...

Taxi Booking App – A Complete Clone of UBER with User,Driver & Backend CMS Coded with Native Android

This is not a component nor a template . This app is a complete clone of UBER and a full fledgeTAXI Booking script designed with latest technologies and we openly challenge “That as on date this is the WORLDS BEST TAXI SCRIPT available so far in marketplace and is exclusively available only on...

ScanPlus – A New Free Scanner with Pro Features

Important: Welcome to the ScanPlus – A New Free Scanner with Pro Features! ScanPlus is the best mobile scanner app for documents. Create free, high-quality PDF or JPG scans with just one tap. Send files via email. Upload them to iCloud Drive and Dropbox. App is written in Swift 3 and use...

sPIN# Charge the balance using the camera

Welcome to the sPIN# – Charge the balance using the camera iOS App Download app from iTunes sPIN#is a beautiful Charge the balance smart app. Quickly realtime scan, detect, collect and call number to charge the balance. Scratch your rechargeable card, locate your scratched number with with app,...

GeekNavi – On Demand Taxi

GeekNavi is a on-demand Taxi application that allows the end user to request a ride. After making a request via the app, that request is simultaneously sent out and alerted to the driver closest to that pickup location. The driver then has 30 seconds to either accept or deny that request. If...