Want a nifty, cutting-edge, retina-ready, responsive html5 audio player for your site ? ZoomSounds is the perfect candidate. With ten skins to fit every brand, only one format required to function, ZoomSounds is the perfect choice for an audio player. Please rate 5/5 – Updates with features...
SUMO Affiliates is a WooCommerce Affiliate System. Using this plugin, logged in users can apply and become Affiliates and promote the products in the site. Whenever a user purchases a product by using an Affiliate Link, the Affiliate associated with the link will earn commission for the purchase. ...
This Package Contains a game name Jungle Jumper in which you have to run in Jungle and gain coin avoiding obstacles like cactus this game also have admob ads and if you buy this package you get full source code , bbdoc file and also ios code. Demo Apk: More Games Aqua Dog Desert Run ...
for WPBakery Page Builder addons bundle Bundle value 118$ – Save 83$. Get now for only 35$. Grab all the best WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress plugins available on CodeCanyon, completely support your WPBakery Page Builder Plugin. Bundle includes: WPBakery Page Builder – Post Grid/List...
Full Features List Works with Woocommerce Create Unlimited Campaigns Statistics for each individual Campaign Campaign privacy – public / private (password protected) / private (accessible to users with matching Roles) Frontend Notification Bar Countdown Page, with notification...
Introduction Our taxi app has been made to do what it should do without any hassle or cost more than it’s original price tag. Compared to other solution it offers greater quality, exceptional performance and reliability, being a lot easier to install and most important of all being practical and...
Tap for rotate box, and catch triangles. Every time speeds increase, keep you mind! More about project: Project have share function, you can put short link to share message for increase users in game. To increase audience retention we use local notifications after 1,6 and 24 hours and after...
SUMO WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator is a comprehensive measurement price calculator plugin using which the price/quantity will be calculated based on the measurements input by the customer. This makes it easy to to sell products based on measurements such as m, ft, kg etc. It supports...
Visual Composer – Instagram Social Stream Grid With Carousel Responsive Design Layouts. 7 Style Available User and HashTag Feed Inline Social read popup Inline Only image popup Social carousel Custom Columns Layout ...