Calculating area is a key to everyday life. Area Calculator is a fully featured calculator which provides calculation of the Area. Calculate various properties of Area related values using this simple utility tool. This Area Calculator will help to calculate area of the geometric shapes...
Click here for Free Trial Gravity Forms File Upload Count plugin allows you to count the files uploaded and update the specified quantity field. You can enable the count and specify a target field which holds the quantity. The plugin listens to addition and deletion of files and updates the...
SUMO Dynamic Pricing Discounts is a Complete WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Discounts System. This Plugin can be used to provide Quantity Discounts, Special Offer Discounts, Cart Discounts, User Role Discounts, Membership Discounts (requires SUMO Memberships Plugin), Reward Points Member Level...
ISpace is a Game To Survive in Space from obstacles, asteroids ,and many more.ISpace has High Graphics with Best Background Sound That Suits it Quality. ISpace is A Very Attractive Game With A Lot of Fun And its For Both Childrens and Adults. ...
Please download the game from , The aim of this application is to build an app with puzzles. All the puzzles will be saved in Firebase database. When the app starts for the first time, it will bring all the available puzzle ids...
It’s amazing best game forever for kids and adults. You easy to reskin with different images also. Game ready for publish. In this game to identify the top images and click on the same images. You need to completed best score in within one minute. Features: Admob Chartboost East to reskin...
It’s amazing Little Baby Phone Game For Kids Fun. In this game there are different categories help to learn like number, vegetable, fruit, vehicle etc… It’s amazing music game for kids. Also Using AdMob with the Designed for Families program. You need to submit this game with design...
Khmer Original Pro IOS app allows users listen to music via online or offline play on their iPhone with internet connection or without. It is fully functional music player app, This is a clean Swift 4 and code and you can open with latest Xcode version (Xcode 8.3 currently or Xcode 9 and iOS 11 )....
Notepad Pro is a notepad app that gives you a quick and easy note taking experience. It’s not only simple and easy to use but also comes with many features: checklist, reminder, password protection, search, picture attachment, share, and more! It gives you a quick and simple notepad editing...
It’s amazing best game forever for kids and adults. You easy to reskin with different images also. Game ready for publish. In this game to identify the top images and click on the same images. You need to completed best score in within one minute. Features: Admob East to reskin Two...