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WooCommerce Customers – Salesforce CRM Integration

WooCommerce Customers – Salesforce CRM Integration plugin can integrates Contacts and Leads between your WooCommerce Customers and Salesforce CRM. Easily...

Mobile Music Player Template – Pakka Music

Pakka Music, Mobile Music player IONIC theme Pakka Music is a high quality audio player template built with ionic framework, an open source framework which gives the advantage of accessing the native APIs of devices. This music player app Template is elegant with its simple design and makes the...

Ultimate Row Background – Visual composer Add On

Ultimate Row Background Visual Composer Addon is one of the futuristic addon of Visual composer to make your wordpress website development way too easy yet creative and modernIt have tons of modern functionalities and lots of versatile options.Addon is divided in to three layers, which will be used...

FB-Eventify – Facebook Events Calendar WordPress Plugin

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to latest changes made by the Facebook in there API Data Access most of the newly created Apps wont be authorized and needs manual review by Facebook to get any data from the Facebook and this is the reason why some of our customers who purchased our plugin recently and...

Woocommerce Mobile App Premium Theme Ionic 3

Before you buy try demo for your own site https://mstoreappdocs.gitbook.io/mstoreapp/demo-for-your-own-site Android Demo https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mstore.premiumtheme001&hl=en iOS Document ...

Store Finder Android Full Application

Store Finder is Full Android Application to search Store near by you. You can search anything from pin to machinery and if you are a store owner you can also add your store using these app. Application Features Supports Both Android Studio & Eclipse Near By Results By Default ...

Stylish keyboard skins

A Complete Source code for changing KeyBoard Skins for iOS is now available here for sale . Code is completely white labeled ,ready to use and it comes with 15 Unique Stylish Keyboard theme and packed with 250 Emoji and sticker and with a full rights to use anything from the code . Bored with...

Space Racing attack double players – Android and iOS BUILDBOX

When you buy this item you’ll get the Buildbox Template. This application made by buildbox software Based by Cocos2D Library. You can add admob interstitial and admob banner and easy to get more revenue from this game. Space Racing for double players is a science fiction attack game with...

Ultimate Food Menu Addon for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)

Ultimate Food Menu Addon for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)Best ever created Restaurant Food menu plugin for visual composer with lots of options. Most amazing restaurant food menu option with various customisation possibilities to create unlimited versions of food menu. It have...

Video Player with Playlist – Cornerstone WP AddOn /w WooCommerce

Full WordPress version – https://codecanyon.net/item/video-gallery-wordpress-plugin-w-youtube-vimeo/157782?ref=ZoomIt Video Gallery Intro Responsive, localized, awesome, fully featured, fast. The most advanced stock video gallery in the world! Now as a CornerStone plugin! WordPress 4.6...