Buy 25 Games in this bundle. This all games play for all ages. It’s special discount offer. Make 25 games portfolio in your account. It’s all games are make in cocos2dx game engine. Easy to reskin. All games supported IOS11. Also all games include admob, chartboost advertisement and Inapp...
What Can You Do With This Plugin? Ticketomatic Automatic Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) event/concert related content importer, using Picatic database. The users will also be able to purchase tickets to the listed events, if they will follow the purchase...
Candy Bundle Android Project Now available Candy Bundle game , Bundle from Popular Game which have many sold to buyer you can buy on Bundle What File on Bundle Candy Jump + Admob( Android Studio + Eclipse ) Switcle Candy + Admob( Android Studio + Eclipse ) ...
WordPress Users – Zoho CRM Integration plugin can integrates Contacts and Leads between your WordPress Users and Zoho CRM. Easily add/update automatically...
Repeat colors! More about project: Project have share function, you can put short link to share message for increase users in game. To increase audience retention we use local notifications after 1,6 and 24 hours and after 1 week. For monetisation project has AdMob framework, you can easy...
Change a Potentially Lost Client into Income! Monetize with SearchAzon! SearchAzon allows you to integrate the Amazon Search functionality into your Website. You can choose to Display Amazon Search Results on your Website and Redirect Visitors to Amazon. Are you familiar with a Win-Win...
FunBoy Runner Is Funny Game for kids, This game made by buildbox software It has two play modes (Levels & Endless) Endless Mode is locked, it can be unlocked for 3000 coins. you can add admob banner and easy to get more revenue from this game . this game also have share button , mute button...
About Stock Market Charts (JS / PHP) Stock Market Charts is a JavaScript / PHP plugin, which allows to easily embed fully customizable interactive stock charts into a website. Plugin features Advanced look & feel customization 5 chart types Daily and intraday data Historical performance...
Our newest plugin has 2 major features: Woocommerce Price History Line Charts Price history line charts are a major part of our plugin. Every product page contains graphs of the price variations over time for each of the three price types : Current, Highest, Lowest and Average. Also, you can...
Android Calendar Image App Demo App : Download Demo Apk This is simple image calendar app with monthly details. App automatically brings the current month image with month details. Just you have to change the image and month details in the database. You can make your traditional copy...