Contact importer utility using objective-c This is a white label 100% objective-C code of contact importer from social media and added with holiday importer util.
Why we coded this app & why you should buy this ? ( Must read )
Any app we download from iTunes will have either social media integration in terms of importing facebook friends , importing twitter followers , importing gmail contacts or list of holidays imports etc . which is found in majority of app’s , There are certain limitation of SDK ( Ex : Twitter SDK doesn’t support follower’s import ) hence to achive this feature we have to find work around’s and this is exactly done in this code and can save your hours in R&D.
We can bet that this code will save atlest 30-150 hours of devlopment efforts for any programmer and is exclusively available on code caynon at just 14 USD.
Also this code is been coded on latest XCODE which is 7.2 and tested for IOS9 ( and works till IOS and integrated with all updates SDK’s and O-Auth Api’s . Hence it could be quick integration for any programmer to integrate into their app .
This app/component can be useful to ,
1. Programmer’s who want to integrate social sharing like facebook , twitter , gmail or yahoo . 2. Programmer’s who want to get list of fameous holiday from 3rd party api and use them in their app ( Instead of spend 1000’s of dollar in using 3rd party API ) . 3. Comes with mysql database where imported holiday’s will be stored in mysql with one button click. Also validation are done to avoid duplication of same holiday’s vs date.
Screen shot’s
1. Import contacts easily from Phone book, Yahoo, Gmail, Twitter & Facebook.
2. Import holidays from 3rd Party API’s
a. Christian Holiday’s Import
b. Islamic Holiday’s Import
c. Jewish Holiday’s Import
d. Taoist Holiday’s Import
e. Hindu Holiday’s Import
f. Orthodox Holiday’s Import
3. Easy integration as comes with 100% code of the app.
This code is no where found any where on market with this robust architure and is only available to CODE CAYNON users at very good price.
What this package includes ?
A 100% white labeled clone code coded in Objective-C & Server side code using Php 5 Layered PSD for 2 Themes. Shipped with both Contact’s import and Holiday list import. Document which can help you setting up server and reskin. 100% Clean code . Also support iOS 9 Update.
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this Unique Importer Utility App for Social media contact’s and Holidays . I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this App.