Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange for WordPress
Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange plugin allows visitors of your website to instantly exchange over 50 coins using ShapeShift API.
Increase your website user base by providing a unique state of the art service! Earn 0.25% as a percentage of volume provided to the exchange on a monthly basis!
How the coins exchange works
- Choose coins to exchange: COIN-A and COIN-B.
- Input COIN-B address (where the exchanged coins should be sent to).
- Input COIN-A refund address (where the original COIN-A coins should be sent to in case the exchange transaction fails).
- Send any amount (greater than Deposit Min and less than Deposit Max) of COIN-A to the address generated by the ShapeShift service (displayed on the screen).
- Wait after necessary number of confirmations is received and the exchanged COIN-B is sent back to your address.
- Choose coins to exchange: COIN-A and COIN-B.
- Input COIN-B address (where the exchanged coins should be sent to).
- Input COIN-A refund address (where the original COIN-A coins should be sent to in case the exchange transaction fails).
- Input amount of COIN-B you would like to receive.
- Send exact amount of COIN-A (displayed on the screen) to the address generated by the ShapeShift service (displayed on the screen) until the countdown time elapses.
- Wait after necessary number of confirmations is received and the exchanged COIN-B is sent back to your address.
Why not try it out? Exchange some coins and see for yourself.
Plugin features
- White label, cryptocurrency exchange is done without leaving your website.
- Easy to add to a page or post (via shortcode)
- More than 50 major cryptocurrencies are supported.
- Black and white color themes.
- No user registration is required.
- Ability to display recent transactions list (both local and global)
Admin panel features
- Set ShapeShift Affiliate (API) key
- Set exchange form design (black or white)
- Set default exchange pair
- Set order page slug
- Set Terms and Conditions page
- View transactions history
- View API response for each transaction
Earn money with the plugin
Sign up as an affiliate and earn money on exchange transactions made by your website visitors. Learn more about ShapeShift Affiliates program.
System requirements
- PHP 5.5.x or higher
- WordPress 3.x or higher
- Download the plugin zip archive from CodeCanyon.
- Log in to WordPress admin area and select Plugins » Add New in the menu.
- Click Upload plugin button.
- Select the downloaded plugin zip archive.
- Click Install now button.
- After the plugin is installed click Activate button.
- Click on the Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange menu item in the admin panel and expand the Help dropdown in the top right corner for further instructions.
Updating plugin
Please read the upgrade guide.
What license is required?
The Regular license entitles you to use the product on one website / domain only. If you want to use it on multiple websites / domains you have to purchase several Regular licenses (1 website = 1 license).
If you charge website users to have access to the product or its components you need to purchase the Extended license.
You can not include this product into other products sold on Envato market and its affiliate websites.
Please adhere to these rules. Read License FAQ for more information.
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