MenorahDirectory – Online Tutoring Script is specially made for Online Tutoring Companies. Tutoring now a days a hot business , Menorah Tutoring Script packed all the features which industry needs now.

MenorahDirectory – Online Tutoring Script is a script building an online platform where students register for classes according to their subject needs. Students can view the Tutors available and their calendar schedule to book lessons , a full featured dashboards for both students and tutors will make the things easy.

1.Online Courses Selling
- Registered Tutor can upload Audio/Video/Doc/Image/Pdf files by Course-wise
- Tutor add curriculum(like lessons/topics covered in course) for courses by giving url or file as source and publish the course for selling.
- Also Tutor can upload preview image and file for students to view as demo for the course before purchasing the course.
- The Tutor course will be avail for Student only when the published course is approved by Admin.
- Once logged in Student purchased the course, that Student can get the option for downloading that course curriculum/files.
- Tutor can set Max. No. of downloads for a Course. And Student can download the Course files only that no.of times.
- Tutor can view the Course files download history
- And Student also can view their Course files download history
- Admin will transfer the money(offline) to Tutor by deducting his commission percentage on each course purchase and update the payment status as “Completed”.
2.BBB (Big Blue Button)
- When Student booked Tutor for online course, then the BBB will come into the picture. Tutor initiates the session at the booked time, and student also has to do the same on the session time. Then they will be redirected to virtual classroom.
- Virtual Video Class which involves Student and Tutor to interact for the sessions
- It also includes pointer for Tutor to teach by pointing at any object on the virtual classroom board.
3.Multiple(Major) Payment Gateways Integration
- a. In the system, multiple payment gateways are included. When the user wants to purchase the packages for credits, they use any of the payment gateway to purchase the package online.
- The below are the major payment gateways integrated in the system
- PayU (Fully Implemented)
- PayPal (Fully Implemented)
- Stripe
- PagSeguro
- Web Money
- Yandex
- Payaza
- Manual Transfer
- 2Checkout (Fully Implemented)
- Razorpay (Fully Implemented)
5.CSV import and export all possibilities
Demo Login Details:
Admin Login Details: / 123456789
Tutor Login Details: / password
Student Login Details: / password
Institute Tutor Login Details: / password
Institute Login Details: / password

Awesome Features
- Student , Tutor and Institute Management
- Tutors will enter teaching courses along with available timings
- Tutor Profile settings with image and video upload to their profile gallery
- Student can manage their settings and contact the tutor before finalising the tutor
- Separate institution level module , where Institute can add their tutors and manage them
- Complete admin settings and full control over the system
- Detailed documentation and complete functionality
General Features of Student
- Tutors System Facilitates to Book a Course for students by Online
- Students can also book under institute offered Batches
- Student can post his requirements, if he not get required tutor in the list.
- Simple Procedure to Book Tutors & Institutes.
General Features of Tutor
- Tutors can contact students by their requirements.
- Tutors can also register under institutes
- Easy to contact Students & Institutes.
General Features of Institute
- Institutes can register its tutors.
- Institutes can create multiple Batches for students
- Students can Enroll in the Batches by online..
How Payment System should work in MenorahTutors Script:
- In order to book Tutor, Student must have some credits. Those credits can be purchased from the packages created by Admin through the Paypal payment gateway. That money goes to the Admin.
- And then Student can book Tutor based on their fee in credits. Then the credits will be deducted from Student. And will not be added to Tutor as soon as booking made by student. The credits deducted from Student goes to Tutor only when the Tutor completes his course for that Student and updates the Status first by Tutor and then by Student if student satisfies with that course session.
- Like this Tutor gets credits from students booking after successful completion of the Course. And only these credits Tutor can convert to money by sending request to the Admin. Admin checks the request and send the money to Tutor out of the System based on the Tutor given payment/bank account details.
- For each Student’s bookings, admin decided/set credits will be deducted as Admin commission.
- Student S1 booked Tutor T1 for the course C++ (fee is 1000 credits, duration 15 days like that. Set by Tutor T1) .
- After booking made 1000 credits will be deducted from Student S1. And after successful completion of course, 990 credits will be credited to Tutor T1.
- When Student S1 making that booking, the Admin set commission percentage was 1% on a booking. So 10 credits deducted as Admin commission from the fee and remaining 990 credits added to the Tutor T1.
- Then Tutor T1 makes request to Admin for that 990 credits to be converted to money. Admin process the request and send the money out of our system.
Note1: Admin gets Money from the package subscriptions by Student/Tutors/Institutes .
Note2: Tutor gets Money from credits acquired by Students bookings based on the per credit value at the time of booking.
Note3: Institute gets Money same as Tutors.
Skype : digital.vidhya
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We are dedicated to continue to improve this system, your suggestions are always welcome.
Pioneer in School Management System

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