Now Quiz App with more options
Replace your question and beautiful quiz app ready with the following feature Feature
- ✓Unlimited levels lock/unlock
- ✓ 50 – 50 (Fifty – Fifty)
- ✓ Audience Poll
- ✓ Timer
- ✓ Reset timer
- ✓ Leader board and achievements
- ✓ Rewarded ads
- ✓ Count points
- ✓ Coins collect
- ✓ Free to support any language
- ✓ Background music
- ✓ Sound
- ✓ Vibrate
Demo APK
Download APK -> Quiz With Leaderboard
Download APK -> Quiz Without Leaderboard
How does code work?
Question from local SQLite database and code in android studio
How this code will help you?
You can make your own beautiful quiz android app like BFF Quiz, Aptitude quiz, sports quiz, youtube quiz etc…
How audience poll work offline?
We did the calculation on basis of right answer from the database and divide all four option with corresponding percentage because of this app user fill like its real audience Paul.
You Will Get:
Full Android source code of Quiz With Leaderboard
Full Android source code of Quiz Without Leaderboard
Full Document of project that explain step by step process.
We will provide basic project setup process service but if you need additional help then that service will be chargeable.

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