Our taxi app has been made to do what it should do without any hassle or cost more than it’s original price tag. Compared to other solution it offers greater quality, exceptional performance and reliability, being a lot easier to install and most important of all being practical and usable. You can try the demo and see for yourself. With it’s vast options set you can customize app in the way you want it to perform both on server and client side.

- Easy selection of origin and destination.
- Selection of service you want to be provided for you. (Dynamic)
- Select driver between drivers picked by server intelligently and accepted to do your ride.
- Real-time location of driver during travel
- Request operator call or direct call.
- Write review on your travel.
- Add credit your account during or before travel.
- See real-time statistics about your trip
- pay fee of travel in cash or credit
Change availability state
List of current request available and are close enough to worth taking a look at and accept which one fits you based on cost/time/distance/pickup point/destination shown to you
Ability to cancel travel before starting.
Send notification/Request operator call/Direct call. All to rescue driver from rider not showing up. of course optional based on your preference as service provider.
A futuristic PWA (ProgressiveWebApplication) experience.
Pixel perfect designed
Fast, efficient real-time experience.
Dashboard Showing current online drivers and some statistics about them.
Drivers/Riders Showing details of drivers and riders
Travels Viewing and searching for travel details.
User Settings Defining and micro managing each users access to each part of app.
Other section…
There are many more features that i would prefer you look at it yourself. So why not go ahead and install demo provided for you.
Demo v1.3 (4/19)
Android Video Demo
iOS Video Demo
Rider APK
Driver APK
What you will receive?
The package you will receive after download consists of these files and folders:
- Instruction: this file guides you through installation process on server and client.
- ios:workspace folder which should be opened in Xcode 9.0 to compile.
- android:Android studio 3.0 project which has two apps for rider and driver plus a common module which holds common codes between two projects.
- dashboard:dashboard that should be started on your VPS (Virtual-Private-Server).
- server:last but not least server app is the core that makes all other parts connect and work in synchronization with each other.
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