Get your iPhone and iPad listen to you.
Voice Recorder help you to record any sound and stores it right on your device. It has an awesome animation that gives you the feel of listening to you. Download a copy of live version from App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/voice-recorder-for-ios/id1022091876?mt=8
Version 3.0
- iOS 10 support
- Latest admob SDK support
Version 2.0
- iOS 9 support
- Latest admob SDK support
- iOS app written in Xcode 6.3.2 using Objective C
- 3 Storyboard designs to choose from
- Universal Support – all orientations
- Supports 3x
- Amazing animation while recording
- Pause/Resume while recording lets you decide what you want to record.
- Share the recording on the fly
- Lets you organise the records in your language by renaming the records any time you wish.
- In-App Purchase implemented.
- Admob integrated
- Supports iTunes File Sharing
- Auto prompt for review in App store
- Comes with detailed documentation
- See FAQ on the support tab for more details
- And much more?
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