While Newsies may not have been an entirely accurate retelling of the newsboys’ strike of 1899, the end result was very similar. A band of young children, many of whom were forced into child labor just to be able to survive living on the streets of martine generator New York City, took on the incredibly rich. It isn’t these men, though, that the boys are so bitter against. They sell very few papers and have really hurt the cause of the strikers but little. This base deceit has angered the boys very much, but they are at a loss to find a remedy. It was adapted from Bob Tzudiker and Noni White’s dramatic screenplay inspired by the real-life newsboys strike of 1899.
Until then, newsboys continued on much as they always had. Before long, the newsboys started to feel the difference. Their frustration came to a head on July 18, when newsboys in Long Island City found out that a Journal delivery man had been selling them bundles with fewer than 100 papers.
Although he was only 15 years old when he starred as the spunky Brooklyn newsie Spot Conlon, Gabriel Damon was already quite a seasoned actor with over 30 acting credits to his name. One of the older “Newsies” in the bunch, Max Casella was 24 years old when he officially made his musical debut as Racetrack Higgins. Moscow appeared in 2017’s “This Is Christmas” and “One Last Night” — but he’s mostly been focusing on behind-the-scenes work, having produced several films throughout the past few years.
Jack and the Newsies gain the cooperation of rival newsboy groups from New York and Brooklyn to team up and strike against the big-shot newspapermen. They eventually win their hard-fought demands after self-publishing and distributing a sympathetic newspaper flier (“Once and For All”) and gaining the support of other non-union child workers around the city and Snyder is arrested. His friends are disappointed to see him leave, but Roosevelt gives Jack advice convincing Jack to change his mind and decides to stay with his friends in New York City and David is accepted as an official Newsie. Sarah catches up to Jack and the two share a passionate kiss.
The articles paint a vivid picture of the challenges the newsboys faced and bring to life many of their colorful leaders. The newsboys’ strike of 1899 was a U.S. youth-led campaign to force change in the way that Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst’s newspapers compensated their force of newsboys or newspaper hawkers. The strikers demonstrated across New York City for several days, effectively stopping circulation of the two papers, along with the news distribution for many New England cities. The strike lasted two weeks, causing Pulitzer’s New York World to decrease its circulation from 360,000 papers sold per day to 125,000. Although the price of papers was not lowered, the strike was successful in forcing the World and Journal to offer full buybacks to their sellers, thus increasing the amount of money that newsies received for their work.
Several of the black sweater tools of capital held forth there, and, besides that, there are so many policemen at this point that a raid, to be successful, has to be made in a hurry or somebody is going to be caught. Both David—or Davey, as the other newsies call him—and Les turn up to sell newspapers to support their family. Their father, a character named Mayer Jacobs and played by Jeffrey DeMunn, was injured and subsequently fired from a manufacturing company. Unable to work, it’s fallen on Davey and Les to help support the family.
The Newsboy Strike of 1899 had worked, but more importantly, it made waves throughout the country. Newsboy strikes popped up all over the country, and the publicization of the living conditions of the boys probably influenced the establishment of child welfare laws in North America. Today you can substitute “printed in the paper” with any other number of mediums that technology have opened up, but the message is the same. There’s great power with those who create content online.
Newsies were reimburse each day for unsold papers, so their money did not go to waste. They could try to sell as many newspapers as they could to make money for food and clothes, but also get that money back if they went unsold. Many local businessmen and politicians addressed the crowd, including lawyer Leonard A. Suitkin, Frank B. Wood, and ex-Assemblyman Phil Wissig. One of the most important themes in Newsies is that children can and do indeed have power. To give some historical context Newsies is set in a time when child labor laws were nonexistent. Never the less the newsies “seized the day” and proved that they are a force to be reckoned with and respected.
How could a live-action musical featuring dozens of cute young actors singing and doing backflips in period costume not have taken off? Newsies was a flop when it came out in 1992, or at least a disappointment for Disney. But these moviegoers and critics were flat-out wrong about this musical.